How to impress your university tutor?

Any student who wants to be a part of the ‘smart’ student club, will eventually want his or her assignment writing, essay writing, or dissertation writing to be the best. Which is why the quest to impress the university tutor is inevitable. The easiest way to ensure that you get good grades in your assignment writing, essay writing or dissertation writing is to make sure that you impress your university tutor with your writing skills.
university tutor

Choose a unique topic

The way to writing a very unique dissertation starts with choosing a unique topic for the same. If you want to write a dissertation that nobody is going to write, you need to pick a topic that nobody else is picking. You may not get this freedom of choice if you have already been given a topic to write your dissertation on. However, if you do, then this is one opportunity you must never let go of. This is the chance for you to go for something individual and unique. Instead of writing about something very general, you can go for something more specific.

Take stand for a minority option

If you do not have the option of choosing a unique option for your dissertation writing, then you can find a topic that is within your limit of the brief you have been given. You can pick any topic that deviates from the standard and conventional topics. In fact, you can even use your own theories for your dissertation, provided that you have a reasonable amount of evidence to support the same. 

Read the works of different scholars

If you read the dissertations and materials that everybody is reading, then there are chances that you will write what everybody else is writing. This is much more important than you think it is. If you get influenced by other people’s work, then your work will be very similar to their writing patterns and styles. While we do not ask you to completely leave out on reading the prescribed material. But if you really want to impress your university tutor, then it is recommended that you read outside the prescribed material as well.
Also, if you are unsure of where to find the reading material, do not worry. We will help you find the sources.
First and foremost, your teacher is the best and the easiest way to get little extra ideas for your dissertation.  They will help you by providing extra information. Not only that, but you will also get brownie points by being so upfront and asking about it.
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