Important tips for writing PhD thesis
Writing PhD thesis can be one of the most daunting tasks for students. All their hard work of the years of their classes will simply go in vain if their thesis is not up to the mark. Which is why, the PhD students can often be heard asking for tips for PhD thesis, working on the structure for PhD thesis and even maintaining a PhD thesis writing plan. They are so stressed that they don’t probably think about anything but their thesis. However, you need not fret now. We have gathered some of the best tips for PhD thesis writing.

Keep in mind all the guidelines of your institution
This is a very strict rule which you must keep in mind at all times. This is one of the most important tips for writing PhD thesis. Never assume anything before being completely sure about it. You must comply with the guidelines of your institution at all costs. If you do not, you may end up creating more problems for yourself. Not only that, but it will also leave a bad impression of you on the examiners and readers.
Prepare well for the viva
Many students make this mistake all the time. They only focus on the writing PhD thesis but do not focus on things that come after it. They simply work on writing their thesis. Once they’ve submitted, they think their work is finished. However, it is only after that the main work starts. it doesn’t matter if your thesis is not up to the mark, If you are well prepared for the viva that is to follow, you can make a huge difference.
Structure is important
While writing PhD thesis, it is imperative that you focus on the structure of it. Chalk out a structure that is best suitable for your thesis topic with your supervisor, and work accordingly. To start off, create a rough draft and start working. Along the way, you can refine your draft as you keep working on your thesis. You will eventually know what is best for your thesis.
Do not write your thesis in a chronological order. Simply go with the flow and you will know what to write next. You can then arrange all the final drafts afterwards in a chronological order.
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