How to write a thesis abstract UK?


The thesis abstract UK that you write for your dissertation is one of the most important parts of your entire dissertation. It is usually the first thing the reader sees in your dissertation. That is why it is extremely important to understand the importance of this portion of your dissertation. Basically, your thesis abstract UK sets the mood of the reader. It gives them a rough idea of what is to come in the dissertation that follows. Based on your thesis abstract UK, the readers will form an impression of your thesis or dissertation. This is why it is extremely important for you to have a well-written thesis.

What is abstract?

Before we move onto the key point of writing an abstract, it is essential we have the complete knowledge about them. Your thesis abstract UK is one of the most important components of your entire thesis. It is usually put in the beginning and is one of the first things anybody reads while going through your thesis. In simpler words, it is the very first description an examiner reads of your thesis. It is a summary of your thesis and presents all the key points and facts of your thesis in a very concise and condensed form.
Key points to keep in mind about writing a thesis abstract
There are certain key points that you need to keep in mind while writing your thesis abstract. Read on to find out what they are.

The length

The length of your thesis abstract is usually specified by your institution based on their requirements. Make sure you give your institutional requirements a good read. Do not miss any point, no matter how trivial you think it is. However, in case there’s no specified word limit, then always remember that the length of your abstract should not be longer than two pages. In fact, most candidates make sure to finish off their abstract in one page. They do this so that the examiner can simply browse their abstract in one go. All in all, make sure to not exaggerate or exceed the specified limit. Remember that it is a concise form of your thesis, not everything has to be written in it.


The most important part of your thesis structure is that it should mirror the overall structure of your thesis. After all, it is a summary of the entire thesis. Always keep in mind to include all the elements of your thesis in your abstract.

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