How to write perfect essay for University submissions?

Description: Writing an essay might sound the most boring work for the students. The reason is that they need to spend time on it. As most of the students do not have enough time, they just write something or the other to submit the essay. However, this never fetches them with good scores. Therefore, they need to know how to write the perfect essay. Through this article, you will learn the method of writing a perfect essay for university submissions.
The power of words is undeniable. However, without the use of the right words, it is not possible to express the right meaning.
essay for university

Essay Type

The first step of writing an essay is to understand what would be the type of essay. The major types of essay are narrative, descriptive, persuasive, comparative and exploratory. Based on the type of essay, you will be able to decide the topic of the essay.


Writing an essay for a university is not possible without knowing what to write. During the process of essay writing, you need to brainstorm to decide the topic of your essay. To begin with, you can write down all that comes to your mind. Keep writing all the ideas or topics that come to your mind and make a list of it. You can also do the same in a diagrammatic way by representing the core idea in the centre and the associated topics around it. Once your list is ready, focus on a topic that is neither too broad nor narrow.


Once your brainstorming is done and your topic is decided, you need to start on with your research. The base of every great essay is good research. There are various ways to research on a topic. You could get help from the library books or refer the internet. Whatever source you access, all you need to ensure is that you access the authentic source. Moreover, while doing your research, keep all your data in an organized manner. Doing so will help you while writing the essay and citing your references.

Thesis Development

The main part of any essay is its thesis statement. The thesis statement is a single statement, which briefs about the overall essay. The entire body of the essays points towards the thesis statement of the essay. Therefore, you need to carefully devise your thesis statement.

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