How to write Argumentative essay on social media

Social media is one of the most raging topics of debate in today’s world. This topic has been doing rounds for quite some while and is one of the most favourite topics of the top academics when it comes to essays and debates. This is one phenomenon that has taken the world by storm. One moment, we were still communicating through phone calls and letters, and the very next moment we’re tweeting and instagramming our favourite moments and likes and dislikes.

Argumentative essay

Social media has a lot of pros, but it does have its fair share of cons. However, before we escalate this debate to a new level altogether, let us take a look at how to write an argumentative essay on social media.

How to start the argumentative essay on social media?

It is easy for students these days to write an essay an argumentative essay on social media. This is because they can relate more closely to the topic as they have the first-hand experience of the same. There will be lots of students who are regular on social media and document their life literally on social media.
That’s why the first thing students must keep in mind while writing an argumentative essay on social media is to pick one social media platform.

Write the body paragraph

Once you have chosen a topic and collected all the data and references, then comes the most difficult point. At this point, the students have read both positive and negative aspects of the platform of their choice. Now, they have to decide which side they’re going to back and which side they’re going to oppose.

How to conclude your argumentative essay on social media?

The best way to wind up your argumentative essay on social media is to somehow build a connection between your topic to your present state and that of the reader. This will leave a lasting impact on the mind of the readers and they will always remember your essay.
Collect lots of information and references so that you can produce a valid and convincing argument in favor of the side you’ve chosen. In your conclusion, give a brief summary of all your key points and write them in a very attractive manner.
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