How a proper essay plan can save your time?

Description: Students often find it difficult to write an essay within the provided time. One of the biggest reasons is the die to lack of proper essay plan. As the students do not plan the essay before they start, they end up with a time-consuming essay. One of the reasons for not planning the essay could be the lack of knowledge about the planning. Being novice, the students might not have an idea where to start their plan. Therefore, through this article, the students will learn how to plan their essays. Eventually, the plan will help them write their essay quickly, saving them a lot of time.
Through this article, you will get to know about the procedure to plan your essay properly.
Proper Essay Plan

Understand the Essay Question

Proper essay plan starts with the analysis of the essay question. Most of the times the student end up with writing the wrong essay due to misinterpretation of the essay question. Hence, it is essential that you read the question carefully and identify what is asked in the question.  The best way to understand the question is to identify the keywords.  For instance, you can identify the essay approach through keywords such as analyze, contrast, compare and much more. Based on these questions you will be able to formulate the answers to your questions.

Planning Research

The research is a key part of an essay plan. You need to decide how you would conduct the research for your essay. The best way to plan for your research is to identify the key texts on your essay topic. Moreover, you can plan the research through the references or bibliographies present in the identified texts. By planning your research initially, you need not waste much time on the research. You would know the texts that you need to look for when you start your essay.

Planning Structure

Once the research of the essay is planned, it is essential to plan the structure of the essay. The structure will obviously vary from one essay to another. However, the most common structure of an essay includes an introduction, main body and a conclusion.

Planning Introduction

The introduction of an essay should be brief along with a thesis statement. Most of the time, an introduction is ended with a thesis statement.
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