Dissertation is a document submitted towards the final completion of academic degree. It is a research document which comprises of several chapters including findings and research on a particular topic and area. Dissertation is undertaken by students in the final semester as a part of their curriculum program in order to exhibit their skills and application of their knowledge learnt in the course. Dissertation starts with a research idea or a problem under consideration and the researcher tries to provide solution to the problem under study. Research ideas are distributed across different domains, like Marketing, Human Resource, Logistics and supply chain, International Business, Medical etc. The idea or the purpose behind the research is first presented in the form of Dissertation proposal which is formal document describing the topic under study. Dissertation proposal is prepared before starting with the main research and it outlines a clear set of aims and objectives of the study. Dissertation proposal is subdivided into various chapters like introduction, literature review, research methodology, results and discussion. The conclusion and recommendations are also added to provide useful information on the future aspects of the concerned areas not addressed in the research. These recommendations help other researchers and acts as a guide when research is undertaken on similar topic in the future.

As discussed, every Dissertation consists of different chapters, starting with the Introduction, Literature review, Research Methodology, Data Analysis and Conclusion.
Before commencing with the writing process, every student needs to keep a check on the following points:
1.     Word count restrictions: It comprises of the maximum and minimum word limit defined by the University for writing your dissertation and whether or not if it includes/excludes the information written within tables, charts, appendix, questionnaire, responses etc.
2.     The marking Scheme or the grading criteria: Every University provides a standard sheet of marking criteria which defines the grading scheme followed by the university to award marks for the dissertation. Carefully observe the grading style and plan your Dissertation research accordingly.
3.     Ask for a Sample Structure for Format: There are standard conventions that define the format of a Dissertation. Every student has to carefully understand the basics of structuring your dissertation. Poor formatting and weak presentation can severely impact your grades. Therefore keep a check on course regulations to pick up the correct formatting style and appropriate referencing style required for the Dissertation. Given below is the structure commonly followed across all UK Universities

  • Title
  • Acknowledgement
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Research Methodology
  • Data Analysis
  • Conclusion and recommendations
  • Bibliography and references.
Writing a Dissertation is not everybody’s cup of tea, and students often find it difficult to base their research. Writing a Dissertation is a unique experience and often a highly challenging task. The most important step in writing a successful Dissertation depends on how you plan your research. Identifying the correct mix of research methodology is a tedious task and often needs official ethics approval of the university outlining how the research is going to be conducted.
Therefore to make students life easy and to allow them with a chance to focus on their academics Uniresearchers.co.uk has been supporting students in completing their dissertations and assignments. We provide a range of services like Dissertation Proofreading and modifications, Grammar editing, online mentor-ship program from research scholars etc. Uniresearchers.co.uk is committed towards delivering high quality research oriented dissertation writing service. The dissertations are custom written by experts who are Masters or PhD. Task of writing dissertation is highly specialized based on research of several months. Getting it done from unprofessional may result in failure and prove to be negative impact on the academic progress and overall future career. Your friends and classmates are already using our services and scoring high. So invest in our professionally writing custom dissertation services and be certain of achieving high grades as per your desire.


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